
I got a Jury Summons in the mail yesterday. That is the first time I have ever gotten one. Well, as far as I know anyway. I have moved so many times and the last address that the DMV has had before I got my permit was the address when I lived in Bakersfield in 2001. So if I have gotten one before, I didn't receive it. I was pretty shocked when B got the mail and showed it to me. The lead attorney in our office just got one a few weeks back and I told him how I have never gotten one (as I knocked on wood). That never works and I always seem to jinx myself in some way or another. My work doesn't pay for it either, but I am allowed to use sick or vacation time if I need to. Luckily this is just a call in. I have to call them on the 15th of April and the automated thing will let me know if I need to come in or not. I remember one of my co-workers at my other job got one just like it. She got all worried and even tried to get a note from our work asking for her to be excused which didn't get approved. She called in the day she was supposed to call in and they didn't even need her. So I am hoping the same happens for me cause I really don't want to do it. I can say I am prejudice against all people, but I am so quiet I will probably just keep my mouth shut. Knowing my luck I will get picked for some big murder case or something and have to do it for a long time.
Other than that nothing exciting has been going on. I just went home last night and hung out at the house the whole night. It was nice. B started working yesterday with his friend doing mortgage. He said it was ok, but they were pretty dead yesterday. He is going to work late hours two days a week and the other three days work during the morning. Today is his late hour day, so he is working till about 8 or 9 tonight. I am not too sure how long this one will stick, but at least he will be getting money for a little bit till he finds something better. I don't know if you remember but this is also the one that he wasn't too sure about going to because the pay is low. I think he finally realized that it is better than $0 right now. We are so tight on money right now and we will be for awhile till he gets a first paycheck. I just have to keep praying that things will start to look up for us.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention something. After I posted my entry yesterday I was told by the office manager to go ahead to finish the project from that attorney (the indexing and stuff) but not to start on it till all my filing is done. I was pretty bummed when she told me that cause I was hoping to not have to do it at all. The lead workers comp. attorney here came to me and asked me what he was asking me to do, what case it was on and what I had done so far for him. I was told later the reason why he asked me is he is going to ask this guy if what I am doing is necessary or if it is some dead end project. So I am still working on the filing today which should be done by today and then back to the other thing I was doing which I am NOT looking forward to doing. Oh well, life is so rough ain't it?
Have a great day everyone!
Posted by deannaj6
at 11:05 AM PST