
Last night, as me and B were getting ready to go to bed, the baby woke up so she decided to come lay in bed with us. I try not to let her do this too much but once in awhile it is nice to lay next to my baby. Even though she squirms a lot during the night and eventually almost pushes me off the bed it is still nice to watch her fall asleep. So anyway, I have this game I like to play with her. I grab B and hug him and say to her "my daddy". She sometimes gets a little upset and says back to me "my daddy" and pushes me off of him. She will usually grab my arms and move them so she can grab him. So last night I was doing that with her and we kept going back and forth with the "my daddy" thing. Then I say to her "I found him first" and she started to repeat what I was saying in a cute toddler voice. If you have a toddler then you know what I mean when I say that cute toddler voice. You can understand what they are saying, but it is not clear like you or me talk. After going back and forth she got all quiet and her eyes started to get heavy so I just laid there and watched her as she started to fall asleep. Then about 5 minutes later she looks at me and smiles and says "I found him first" and turns around to grab B. It was the cutest thing. I started to laugh cause it was funny how she had to get the last word in. Just like her daddy, she always has to get the last word in.
Other than that nothing spectacular happened last night. B worked late again last night so after he picked up me and the baby he went back to work and I hung out at home with the baby. She was very good last night and didn't cause any problems. She went to bed at her normal time with no problems and didn't even cry. After she went to bed I played the Sims on the computer till B got home. When he got home he wasn't feeling too good cause his tooth is starting to bother him so he ended up falling asleep on the couch. I feel so bad for him. First it was his finger which looks like it is finally starting to heal and now it is his tooth. He told me this morning he is going to have to see a dentist (without insurance like he did for his finger) so that is more money we are going to have to worry about when the time comes. Anyway, I played on the computer some more till it was time for me to go to bed. I am telling you, that game is so addicting. B thinks I am too addicted to that game and got upset when I woke him up to go to bed cause he found out I was playing it the whole time since he got home. I understand why he was upset, but I don't understand why it mattered since he was sleeping anyway. Oh well, he was a grumpy butt when he woke up and sometimes you just have to let them vent and get it all out of their system and just be their ears I guess.
So that is all I have done. Have a great day everyone and an even better weekend!
Posted by deannaj6
at 10:57 AM PST