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Is that all?
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Please don't hate me...
Mood:  happy
I have decided to no longer use tripod and I have moved my blog over to tblog instead. I actually love using tripod here and I really hate doing this since I have used this one for so long (I already have over 200 entries!) but I cannot seem to add counters or a tracking thing to my tripod (which I have wanted for awhile now) without having to pay which I am able to do for free with tblog.

So if you would still like to read my drama, please come visit me at tblog here and be sure to leave a comment so I know you stopped by.

Have a great day everyone!

Posted by deannaj6 at 4:24 PM PST

Monday, April 11, 2005 - 1:02 PM PDT

It shows your good judgment. Tripod has not updated their most recently updated blog list in over a month and letters advising them of that and the fact that the link directing you to the miscellaneous blogs hasn't functioned in weeks generates no response of any kind. The same stuff has been showing on the main blog page longer than I care to remember.

They simply don't care about the site or the bloggers.

Monday, April 18, 2005 - 4:44 PM PDT

Name: Got Secret
Home Page: http://www.gotsecret.net

Maybe you should take a look

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